Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"These are those days" sayeth the Lord, "SO GO! Go boldy, GO! I'm not asking you to go with me," says the Lord Jesus Christ, "I'm telling you I'll go with you. I'll go with you into all the world and as you preach the Gospel. I'll bless you, I'll annoint you, I'll work with your words and I'll confirm them with signs following. I will cause manifestations to come. Did I not say in My Word. 'He that loves Me keeps My commmandment and he that keeps My commandment, I will love him, My Father will love him and I will manifest Myself to him."~Kenneth Copeland

This is the generation that will shake the foundations of the earth and change the nation. We are called to such a time as this. We are annointed to preach the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. You can't be afraid or timid to share your faith or to step out in what God has called you to do. You must go out boldly and do as He says. Put all your trust in Him and step out. Then watch the miraculous signs that will follow. You will change the lives of individuals as well as nations. He has annointed and appointed this generation to do mighty things for the Kingdom. We are ushering in the coming of Jesus Christ. To help the world and change the world we must first reach out to them.