Saturday, April 10, 2010

Patiently Waiting

Waiting for the great

God's best for me

I'll wait forever for you

If thats what it takes

Your worth the wait

Your being trained up now

To be the man i need

You'll make me stronger

And build me up

My love I'm patiently waiting for you

Saving everything i am

Everything thing i have left to give

I'm saving for you


Why me you may say
I don’t know what I did even to this day
To deserve what you did to me
They say it’s not your fault
They say don’t blame yourself
Sometimes it seems hard
Like I could have stopped it from happening
I was so young and I didn’t understand
But in the end I know it’s not my fault
There is nothing I could have done to stop you
There was no giving up
You just pushed on
You had one purpose one plan
And you were gonna see it through to the end
No matter what I did
No matter what I said
What you did will stay with me forever
I have forgiven you
And the wound is slowly healing
This is something I wish no girl had to go through
But it happens everyday
It can be scary and traumatic
It’s something you never forget
But just because you don’t forget it
Doesn’t mean you have to dwell on it
Hand it over to the Lord
He will take care of it
I have handed it over to my Heavenly Father
And He is removing all the pain
And all the fear of it happening again
He is my protector and my shield
The only man I need
He’s with me always and He never hurts me
I love my Heavenly Father